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27 September 2023
A key responsibility of the Education Standards Board is to assess applications to establish new schools...
27 September 2023
Since I last wrote to you, the Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care released its final...
18 September 2023
In response to identified regulatory concerns, the Education Standards Board seeks to improve the...
23 August 2023
Welcome to the first in an occasional series of case studies featuring South Australian early...
23 August 2023
We have analysed our recent assessment and ratings and identified themes in the elements of the...
23 August 2023
As we are now eight months into the delivery of our current regulatory strategy and priorities...
23 August 2023
This article aims to support your understanding of South Australia’s current assessment and rating process...
13 July 2023
Approved providers, nominated supervisors and educators all have responsibility for supporting the health...