Regulatory Bulletins, updates and alerts

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Regulatory Bulletins

June 2024 Update from Chief Executive, NQF Snapshot - South Australian trends, Information session: Regulatory role, NAIDOC Week, Changes to OSCH qualifications, Survey closing soon

May 2024 Update from Chief Executive, Exceeding themes workshops, Regulatory Roundtable summary, Regulatory Officer Recruitment and Training, ACECQA quarterly sector snapshot, Reminder to re-register with NQAITS, 2024 Early Childhood Education and Care Survey

April 2024 Update from Chief Executive, Application timeframes - stopping the clock, Autism Inclusion Charter, Emergency and Evacuation Procedures, 2024 Early Childhood Education and Care Survey

March 2024 Update from Chief Executive, Productivity Commission Inquiry, Preparing waiver applications, Child Safety Review and digital technology practice

February 2024 Update from Chief Executive, Applications for New Services, Exceeding the NQS in South Australia, National Quality Framework Snapshot Q4

January 2024  Chief Executive Foreword, Approved Learning Frameworks, Review of Child Safety Arrangements Under NQF, Reminder: Sun Safety and New laws ban vaping and smoking in early childhood setting.

November 2023 Update from the Chief Executive, Webinar recording - Navigating the NQF, Your questions on NQF updates answered, Roadmap to support continuous quality improvement. 

October 2023 Update from the Chief Executive, Driving continuous improvement for OSHC, Registrations now open for upcoming educative webinars, and School success spotlight: Goolwa Secondary College.

September 2023 Update from the Chief Executive, Providing quality feedback on your Assessment and Rating, Educative webinars in October and November, Training for OSHC providers and School success spotlight.

August 2023 Update from the Chief Executive, Assessment and Rating in South Australia, Resources for continuous improvement and School success spotlight

June 2023 FAQ's on the new definition of person with management or control effective on 1 July 2023, annual fees for approved providers now due, monitoring activities factsheet, early childhood teacher requirements in centre-based care factsheet. 

May 2023 Extension of workforce transitional provisions, expanded definition of PMC, educator qualifications and ratios for centre-based care fact sheet, ELYF 2.0 professional development opportunity, NQF staffing and qualifications survey.

April 2023 Our compliance and enforcement policy, new complaints and feedback framework and changes to the NQF from 1 July 2023. 

March 2023 Watch the recording of the regulatory forum, adequate supervision, notifying a serious incident, self-assessment for continuous improvement, reminder to notify the regulatory authority about prescribed changes to an approved provider or service. 

February 2023 Early childhood education and care regulatory forum, regulatory priorities in 2023-24, eSafety Early Years Program, continuous improvement at the Education Standards Board, reminder to review polices around child safety law. 

January 2023 Education ministers approve updates to the Approved Learning Frameworks, key updates summarised, save the date for the first early childhood regulatory forum. 

December 2022 From our chief executive, Regulatory Practice Statement, early childhood regulatory priorities and targets for 2023-24, NQF annual performance report, funding applications open for preschool research, self reviews of school registration for 2023, transport changes for services, upated guidance on the management of COVID-19 in educational settings. 

November 2022 Critical reflection on effective transisitons, inclusion obligations, supporting children with medical conditions, teacher resources from the CFS and reminder to services to update transport provision in NQAITS.  

October 2022 New laws for transport, service approval for multistorey buildings, adequate supervision case study. 

September 2022 Shaping Our Future National Workforce Strategy Implementation and Evaluation Plan, including e-Learning for educators. 

August 2022 Lodge child safe environments statement with Department of Human Services, Safe outdoor learning spaces, cot safety. 

July 2022 When to report a serious incident, what to include in a serious incident notification, New offences to prevent child sexual abuse, 2019 NQF review Decision Regulatory Impact Statement. 

Sector updates

Approved providers for early childhood services

Invitation to early childhood regulatory forum (14 January 2023)

Early childhood services

Occasional paper 9: Serious incidents - injury, trauma or illness (13 July 2023)

Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care wants to hear from you (19 January 2023)

Changes to transportation requirements apply from 1 March 2023 (19 January 2023)


Changes to approved OSHC qualifications in South Australia (15 May 2023)

Submit your feedback on proposed OSHC qualifications for South Australia (by 15 November 2022)

From the Registrar of the Education Standards Board (13 February 2023)

International Education

Update CRICOS course details using our online form (23 November 2022)


SA Health

Updated guidance for management of COVID-19 in educational settings (16 May 2023)

RAT surveillance testing strongly recommended for early childhood services (18 October 2022) outlines Department of Education and SA Health expectations of services, providers and schools with the end of mandatory isolation. 

Schools and early childhood education and care

SafeWork SA urges playground risk assessments to be conducted (3 April 2023)


Lodge applications for service approval for summer vacation care by (Wednesday 19 October 2022)