John Favretto has worked at the most senior levels of organisations for over 20 years and has held several executive positions across the education, aged care and gambling sectors. Over this time, portfolio responsibilities have included: finance, governance, information and communications technology, marketing and communications, project management office, strategy and strategic project implementation.
John is currently the Assistant Director – Governance, Quality and Assurance at Catholic Education South Australia and was previously responsible for ICT at Catholic Education.
Prior to that, John held the positions of Chief Information Officer at both ACH Group and
SA Lotteries and was also Company Secretary at SA Lotteries.
In addition to being a member of the executive team at Catholic Education South Australia, John currently holds the following board/committee positions:
- Chair Catholic Special Schools Incorporated
- Board Member Sisters of St Jospeh Mary MacKillop College, Kensington, Limited
- Chair of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee Sisters of St Joseph Mary MacKillop College, Kensington, Limited
- Member of the Executive – Catholic Networks Australia
- Deputy Chair of the Stewardship Working Group – Catholic Networks Australia
- Executive Officer – Governance Standing Committee of the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools.