Shaping Our Future: Implementation and evaluation plan
High quality children’s education and care sets the foundations for lifelong learning and development. One of the most significant components of quality children's education and care service is a highly skilled, consistent, well supported and professionally recognised workforce.
‘Shaping Our Future’, the co-designed 10-year National Children’s Education and Care Workforce Strategy (Strategy) has been developed to support recruitment, retention, sustainability and quality of the sector workforce. This strategy builds on the significant investment by all governments to date in workforce related initiatives, as well as a range of recent and ongoing initiatives launched by the sector workforce.
Implementing the Strategy is a collective responsibility between governments, the children’s education and care sector and key stakeholders.
Implementation and Evaluation Plan
The Implementation and Evaluation Plan (Plan) has been released. The development of the Plan was coordinated by ACECQA through a co-design process with governments, employers, peak bodies and associations, higher education institutions and other key sector stakeholders. The Plan outlines the practical steps that will be taken to implement the Strategy, along with how progress will be monitored and reviewed.
The Strategy and Plan will be monitored, reviewed and progressively updated as living documents, responding to changing needs and circumstances over time to ensure the Strategy remains adaptable and responsive.
Review of NQF staffing and qualification regulations: how to have your say
One of the 21 national actions commits to a comprehensive review of the current NQF staffing and qualification regualtions to improve consistency, support quality and reduce complexity, with a focus on the requirements for early childhood teachers, outside school hours care educators and expiring transitional staffing provisions. ACECQA is undertaking this review on behalf of all governments.
You can learn more about the reciew in the Public Consultation Document.
Between 1 May and 4 August all interested parties will have the opportunity to share their views by completing the online survey.