November update from the Chief Executive
This month, the Education Standards Board (ESB) has set in motion several action plans that have been in development following the release of our 2024-27 Strategic Plan. This includes service standards, and priorities and targets born out of the results from the Sector Survey that occurred earlier this year.
The Regulatory Roundtable met for the third time in October, hearing about trends in compliance and our upcoming education and guidance program. We are excited to engage with approved providers and services through our first series on Assessment and Rating. The second series is closely linked to the Child Safety Review recommendations and report outcomes, for which we've included a national progress update in this bulletin.
Following on from last month's reminder about timeframes for service approvals and amendments, before we greet the end of the school term, please be reminded that schools must inform the ESB of any changes to governing authority, responsible authority or school principal for the new year.
In personal news, I will be leaving the ESB at the end of the school year in mid-December. It has been a privilege to lead the ESB through this positive change and improvement by resetting its regulatory posture and its reputation and rethinking how we deliver against our functions to oversee providers and hold them accountable for delivering safe and high-quality education services in South Australia.
Thank you to those of you who have supported me in the role, and for providing your insights, time and knowledge to enable me to learn about your sector and the amazing work you all do, to support the ESB in achieving its regulatory outcomes.
I look forward to seeing the ESB go from strength to strength as it continues its improvement journey and strives toward meeting its vision and mission.